Top tips for traveling with little ones

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We all know that traveling with babies and toddlers doesn’t always feel like a vacation. By the time you load your car (or pack your million checked bags!) with a pack n play, sound machine, stroller, diapers, toys and all the other things you need to make the trip a success it can feel exhausting before you even get there! Throw in a change of schedule and new environment and traveling can feel super daunting. While you might not spend every second of your trip lounging by the pool with a new book and fancy drink, we’ll prepare you so you can enjoy making memories with your family!

  1. Set yourself up for success with healthy expectations: Even for excellent little sleepers, falling asleep in a new place can be scary! Knowing that sleep might look a bit different on your trip can help take a bit of the anxiety away for you and your child. Talk about the new sleeping arrangement if your child is old enough, role play how bedtime will go on your trip and give loads of assurance that they are capable and you aren’t far!
  2. Remember to pack all the things you need for your bedtime routine! Even in a new sleeping environment, having all that you need for your child’s bedtime routine can go a long way to ensuring that they are less anxious about sleep. Some ideas might be: white noise machine, a special book you read each night, their favorite pajamas, soap/lotion that is familiar and a special lovey. While this might seem excessive, it provides predictability for children and helps the overall bedtime go smoother!
  3. Practice a “flexible” routine during the day: While you might not always be back to your room for your little one’s nap, it can be helpful to try and stick as close as you can to their nap schedule even if that means a nap on the go. Get creative and know that naps might not be the exact length of time you’re used to. Some ideas can be a stroller nap, sleeping while baby wearing or a quick cat nap in the car. By trying to stick to your nap schedule, you’ll prevent your little one from becoming overtired which can make for a fussy baby/toddler come bedtime!
  4. Give yourself grace: Little ones are quick to adapt and while sleep might not be perfect on your trip, know that you can get right back on track with their schedule as soon as you get home! If your little one is struggling to get back into their normal groove, you can use the sleep training method that you used initially with them. Knowing that they are capable of independent sleep, you can move back into their normal routine with confidence that they will pick it right back up because of the healthy habits your worked to build.


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